Gabby Guthrie, Realtor®
Gabrielle “Gabby” Guthrie specializes in listing and selling Fine Homes and Estates in the Ventura County and Los Angeles County real estate markets. With a solid background in marketing and sales, Gabby has her finger on the pulse of the market, insuring the rapid sale of your listed property and the identification and acquisition of your target property.
Recognizing the top 3% company wide:
2023 “Diamond Club” Recipent
Recognizing the top 2% company wide:
2022 “Diamond Club” Recipient
Recognizing the top 2% company wide:
2021 “Diamond Club” Recipient
Recognizing the top 3% company wide:
2020 “Diamond Club” Recipient
Recognizing the top 2% company wide:
2019 “Diamond Club” Recipient
Recognizing the top 3% company wide:
2018 “Diamond Club” Recipient
Recognizing the top 5% company wide:
2017 “Platinum Club” Recipient